Today when I went to my psychology class I expected it to be another hour filled with laughs and excitement. When i first started going to the class, I noticed that everytime he went over somthing he asked "so far, so good." He has a habit of saying this and within each class meeting he says it over a hundred times. i dont know if i'm the only person in my class that noticed this, but it is rather funny. Today I also noticed something else that he does. If somebody asks him a question, he is looking at the person that asked him the question, BUT!! he turns his head quckly to look at other people, but quickly turns back to the person that asked the question. Have you ever noticed this? I know you might not understand what I'm talking about but if you visit one of our classes when you see him do it oyu're going to know exactly what i'm talking about. I know thsi weird, but so is he!!
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