Tuesday, December 2, 2008


On Tuesday when everyone was finished with classes and all of my friends from out of town had arrived back to Savannah, we all went to Red Lobster that night just to spend some quality time together. We laughed and talked about the new friends we made, but then realized that the new friends could never replace the old we already had upon arrival at college. The rest of the week we all slept late, went to the mall and ate lots and lots of food. Thanxgivin Day went very well. I spent time with most of my family and even got to drink a Smirnoff at my cousin's house. The day after Thanxgivin, I was very sick and could barely get out of bed. My stomach was cramping up bad and it felt like I was having contractions however that feels. The day after I felt a little better, but I still didnt feel like going out. Saturday was the Savannah High and Beach game and I was anticipating going, but ended up not doing so. I was supposed to go get me an outfit to wear, but my mom started tripping so I really didnt feel like going after that. On Sunday morning my friend Shanna had her baby boy and me and all of my friends were very excited. That was a very happy ending to my Thanxgiving break, but I still cant wait until Christmas.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

EXTREME Weather Changes!!

Lately the weather in Savannah has been very unpredictable and it has been very hard to decide what to wear. It seems like one week the weather is FREEZING and in order to go outside I would need a jacket, hat, scarf and boots like it's snowing outside. The next week you can out on shorts and a short sleeve shirt with flip flops. It's like make up your mind already mother nature. The weather we have now makes me not want to go outside. It's frresing cold ans all i do is stay indoors to prevent myself from freesing to death. I hate extremely cold weather and extremely hot weather, but i just like when the weather is just right, but that hardly ever happens. Every morning I hate even getting out of bed because of the aniticipation of the cold. Hopefully the weather will get better, but for now I will just have to wait until in the moring to pick out what I am going to wear for the day.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bored Outta My Mind

Right now I am sitting in my apartment watching television. I only had one class today, so I have been here since 12pm doing nothin but watching television and listening to music. Time has gone by so fast. Last time I checked the clock it was about 5pm. I really need to join a group or find a job or soething becasue i can't be sitting here bored all the time. I have a paper due tomorrow for my English class but i find myself straying away from it and doing somthing else. A lot of show premieres are coming on tomight so I guess that's what I'm going to spend my night doing. I dont feel as happy as look in that picture, but i just had to put one on here. Well as you can see I really dont have anything else to talk about so ttyl.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

2008 Election: OBAMA for MANkind!!

I am very proud to be apart of this election. Today has been my first time eligible to vote and I am very proud of myself for doing it. My president is BARACK OBAMA because I feel that he is going to do this nation some justice. I was excited to vote for him, but there was also some other areas that needed had good candidates. The candidates for the Chatham County election seemed to be okay, but some of the things I did not vote for. I am ready for a chnge to come in America, but I feel it must first come from the counties, cities and states. I feel that this has been a long election and we as a people have been awaiting on the time for a good president with the good of America on his mind and now we have received it; Barack Obama. By the end of the night, Barack and Michelle Obama will and I repeat, WILL be moving into the White House!!!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Haunted Hospital: NO MERCY!!

Text ColorTonight I attended the Haunted Hospital that was hosted by the University. I went with a group of ten friends I must say we had a ball! The Hospital itself wasn't very scary, but I got a lot of laughs out of watching my friends scream and holler. Some parts of it was scary like when we went into the morgue and a scary lady was crawling around on the floor. The other parts was lame, but it was only $2 and I had nothing else to do. The walk there was very exciting, but the walk back was even better. The boys we went with were fighting and wrestling and that was very entertaining. Overall, tonight was a good night and i got in a lot of laughs. It was GREAT!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jus Chillin Wit My Homies

I'm sittin here with all my friends from high school. They attend Savannah State University and decided to come up here and pass out flyers for a party. We are now sitting in my apartment eating McDonald's and about to play video games. Man, my friends are so freaking silly. They are all comedians and have me and my homegirls laughing all day and night. The boys are playing Madden on the PlayStation3 and this is so stupid. I hate footbal and i wish they would just play another game. I like 007, which is a shooting game. I always win in that game so that's why i like it sooo much.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My E-X-T-R-A-ordinary Fall Break!!

My Fall Break was a whole lot better than i though it was going to be. On Friday morning, i got pampered at the beauty salon and later that night i went to my high school's homecoming. I got to chat and chill with old friends and classmates. Two of my bestfriends came down from Fort Valley and Valdosta State so we also got to spend time with each other. We had a blast just laughing and talking, it was like they never left. Saturday was a good day also because i got to spend time with my little "friend." That was interesting, but me and him had a good time. Later that day i met up with the besties at the mall and we went shopping. After that we went to my favorite store Wal-Mart a.k.a Wally World. I don't know why, but i love that store so freaking much. Later that night everyone came over to my apartment and we was jus chillin' some more and enjoying each other's company. Sunday was sort of a bland day. It was raining, the lights went out, all of my friends had already gone back to their colleges and the bestie that lives here had to go to work. However, Sunday night was kind of cool. We went to my neighbor's apartment and played videos games, but the lights went out again. This time it was okay becasue we were taking pictures and telling each other how we realy felt about each other. I may get a boyfriend out of this venting session. Monday and Tuesday were great. We got my friend Temberly out of the house for a change and she really enjoyed herself with us, she even met a new guy. LOL! Overall, i wouldn't change a thing. I had a ball and i really can't until Thanksgiving break, it's going to be even more fun because everbody is coming back home. I will let you know how that goes after it happens, but until then PEACE OUT!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

College: 2 Go or Not 2 Go

Right about now I don't whether or not college is right for me. The only reason I can think of as to why I am attending this school is because so many people are counting on me and have such high expectations for me. The other reason is because I really want to be some type of doctor because they make lots of money. These are the only two reasons and they dont really seem to be all that great. I dont know what to do. If I was to tell my mother this, she would freak out, but I know I am going to have to make the decision for me and only me. I dont want to give up because I am so far from a quitter, but I am really lost and not sure what to do. I bet if my dad was here he would know what to do. Dang I miss him, but I know I have to live my life for Candice and not for the people around me. Maybe the Air National Guard would be a good idea afterall, I mean I have been giving it a great amount of thought. Who's to say where I'll be in the next year or two; I DONT EVEN KNOW!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Social Life from H-E-Double Hockey Sticks!!

My social life is in shambles as of now. My best friend is so amazing and I love her to death. We have the best realtionship at this moment and we grown closer since high school. I met two new friends name Stephanie and Kayci, I love them so much and they are so FUNNY!! Me and my bestie go out with them and they act a fool. MY bestfriend in Athens is tripping, but that's all the time. He is so crazy, but we all miss him. I can't wait to see him when he comes home for Thanksgiving; that's going to be great. I had girl drama earlier in the week. Me being the person that I am, i SHould have known that rooming with 3 females from my high school and 1 that i don't even know, was going to be major trouble, but hey, you live and you learn. I am enjoying the college life so far, but at times it can be testing. I ahve learned that everyone is not my friend and the people that want to be in your life and remain there, will take it upon themsleves to make it happen. All i can say now is that i absolutely, positively love my life and the wonderful people that are contained within it!!!:)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Owl Of It All LOL!!

I was doing the Owl homework and I realized that i had yet to do my blog for my University Experience class so I decided to write about what I was doing before this. I really get frustrated with the Owl homework somtimes becasue they mark stupid things wrong and it just makes me so angry. I feel that they should not mark the simple things wrong becasue they know people make mistakes, I mean I'm only human. I also don't want them to just give me the answer, but come one people just becasue i have the + in front of the number instead of behind the number when writing the charge, dont mark it wrong. Even though it has its downs about it Owl is very helpful and i feel like I'm going to pass this second exam. THe first exam was very bad and I really failed that one, but my mother doesn't know, that's why I'm still living, lol. I am very glad we have Owl for Chemistry becasue without it I would be so lost due to the fact that I rarely pay attention in class. Well that's all for now so I guess I'll talk to you one day next week. SEE YA!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

&& This is My Life

Last night or shall i say early this morning i was awakened by a ring on my phone. It was boyfriend Markwail and he was telling me about his babymama drama. I was sleepy and really didnt wanna hear it, but i listened becasue that's what a good girlfriend does. He gave me his myspace password a few days ago and i put stuff on there that would make his groupies mad. He was asking me about that too and i told him what i did. His babymama has his password also and he said she also wrote sumthin. So, when i got up i went on myspace and checked it. She wrote some little things about me, calling me out my name, but i didnt worry about it because i know where Markwail be at, with me!! I just feel like these online profile things are extremely overrated and people take them too seriously. I do little things on my profiles becasue i know people like Markwail's babymama will get mad about it. I find it rather amusing, i just don't know whe they're going to get the hint. LOL!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Psychology Professor

Today when I went to my psychology class I expected it to be another hour filled with laughs and excitement. When i first started going to the class, I noticed that everytime he went over somthing he asked "so far, so good." He has a habit of saying this and within each class meeting he says it over a hundred times. i dont know if i'm the only person in my class that noticed this, but it is rather funny. Today I also noticed something else that he does. If somebody asks him a question, he is looking at the person that asked him the question, BUT!! he turns his head quckly to look at other people, but quickly turns back to the person that asked the question. Have you ever noticed this? I know you might not understand what I'm talking about but if you visit one of our classes when you see him do it oyu're going to know exactly what i'm talking about. I know thsi weird, but so is he!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Hurricane Hanna Catastrophe

This week has been focused on the hurricane we all call Hanna. This hurricane has no idea what she wants to do. Meteorologists have been tracking her and have made some strange observations. One day she's going west and the nest she's going southeast. It's like make up your mind already. TO me Hanna is like an indecisive person. She has so many options she doesn't know which one to choose. I just really hope she doesn't decide to go ahead and hit Savannah because although i would like the extra days out of class i don't want to have to go through the same things that the Katrina victims went through. It's a hard choice, but i would rather be in school than to have to relocate and be at risk of losing family and friends. So, what i would say to Hanna is "Get lost, find another city to attack!!!!"

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Week @ AASU

My first week at Armstrong was pretty good considering the fact that it rained almost everyday and i got wet almost everyday due to the lack of "protection". There were some downfalls of the week, like missin two classes because i thought i only had to attend them one day out of the week. On my schedule there was a TR and i thought that meant Thursday, but i later found out at the last minute it meant, Tuesday and Thursday. DUH!! A little slow on my part, but i would think if it was Tuesday and Thursday there would have been a "T" and then "TH" to look like "TTH". Yea i'm still sort of mad at that, but hey accidents happen and after all this was my first week at this college thing. I also haven't been able to buy any books due to the fact that my financial aid hasn't gone through and my mom is pretty much broke and i just got a job yesterday. That Sucks!! Other than all of the mishaps, i enjoy living in my apartment with my friends from high school and being able to do what i want when i want and NO parents. I am enjoying myself , but hopefully the next week will be much better.