Right about now I don't whether or not college is right for me. The only reason I can think of as to why I am attending this school is because so many people are counting on me and have such high expectations for me. The other reason is because I really want to be some type of doctor because they make lots of money. These are the only two reasons and they dont really seem to be all that great. I dont know what to do. If I was to tell my mother this, she would freak out, but I know I am going to have to make the decision for me and only me. I dont want to give up because I am so far from a quitter, but I am really lost and not sure what to do. I bet if my dad was here he would know what to do. Dang I miss him, but I know I have to live my life for Candice and not for the people around me. Maybe the Air National Guard would be a good idea afterall, I mean I have been giving it a great amount of thought. Who's to say where I'll be in the next year or two; I DONT EVEN KNOW!!