Lately the weather in Savannah has been very unpredictable and it has been very hard to decide what to wear. It seems like one week the weather is FREEZING and in order to go outside I would need a jacket, hat, scarf and boots like it's snowing outside. The next week you can out on shorts and a short sleeve shirt with flip flops. It's like make up your mind already mother nature. The weather we have now makes me not want to go outside. It's frresing cold ans all i do is stay indoors to prevent myself from freesing to death. I hate extremely cold weather and extremely hot weather, but i just like when the weather is just right, but that hardly ever happens. Every morning I hate even getting out of bed because of the aniticipation of the cold. Hopefully the weather will get better, but for now I will just have to wait until in the moring to pick out what I am going to wear for the day.