On Tuesday when everyone was finished with classes and all of my friends from out of town had arrived back to Savannah, we all went to Red Lobster that night just to spend some quality time together. We laughed and talked about the new friends we made, but then realized that the new friends could never replace the old we already had upon arrival at college. The rest of the week we all slept late, went to the mall and ate lots and lots of food. Thanxgivin Day went very well. I spent time with most of my family and even got to drink a Smirnoff at my cousin's house. The day after Thanxgivin, I was very sick and could barely get out of bed. My stomach was cramping up bad and it felt like I was having contractions however that feels. The day after I felt a little better, but I still didnt feel like going out. Saturday was the Savannah High and Beach game and I was anticipating going, but ended up not doing so. I was supposed to go get me an outfit to wear, but my mom started tripping so I really didnt feel like going after that. On Sunday morning my friend Shanna had her baby boy and me and all of my friends were very excited. That was a very happy ending to my Thanxgiving break, but I still cant wait until Christmas.